Past Publications



  • Computer-Assisted Kinematic and Mechanical Axis Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of Bilateral Simultaneous Surgery.  McEwen P, Dlaska CE, Jovanovic IA, Doma K, Brandon BJ.
  • Computer Assistive Technologies in Arthroplasty: Navigating your way today. Brereton S, Grant AL, Dlaska C, Hazratwala K.
  • Medial and Lateral Gap Laxity Differential in Computer assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty. Peter McEwen FRACS, G Balendra FRACS, Kenji Doma PhD.
  • Evaulation of Bacteriophage Anti-Biofilm Activity for Potential Control of Orthopaedic Implant-Related Infections Caused by Staphylococcus Aureus. Jodie Morris Phd, Peter McEwen FRACS, Andrea Grant BSpSci, Natasha Kelly Phd, Lisa Elliot PhD, Matthew Wilkinson FRACS, Kaushik Hazratwala FRACS.
  • A prospective, observational cohort study of the Master SL Femoral Stem in patients with degenerative disease of the hip. Genevieve Graw, MD, Kaushik Hazratwala, MBBS FRACS (Orth), Matthew P. Wilkinson, MBBS FRACS (Orth).
  • Flexion deformity and laxity as a function of knee position at the time of tensioning of rigid anatomic hamstring ACL grafts
    Sarah Brereton, MBBS, Milford McArthur, MBBS, Peter McEwen, MBBS FRACS (Orth), William O’Callaghan MBBS. Matthew Wilkinson.
  • Low levels of salicylic acid and salicyluric acid are present in synovial fluid of patients taking aspirin at the time of knee arthroplasty surgery. Eisen, Damon P., McEwen, Peter, Hansen, Regina, Pandey, Saurabh, Wallis, Steven C., and Roberts, Jason A.






  • Intraoperative reliability of shapematch cutting guide placement in total knee arthroplasty. G Clark, A Leong, P McEwen, R Steele, T Tran, A Trivett. Computer Aided Surgery 18(5-6), 159-165.


  • Comparison of early postoperative rehabilitation outcome following total knee arthroplasty using different surgical approaches and instrumentation. Weinrauch P, Myers N, Wilkinson M, Dodsworth J, Fitzpatrick P, Whitehouse S. J. Orthop. Surg. 2006; 14: 47–52


  • A radiographic investigation to determine the safety of suture anchor systems for pediatric modified Broström ankle ligament reconstruction. Hazratwala K, Best A, Kopplin M, Giza E, Sullivan M. Am J Sports Med. 2005;33(3):435-438. doi:10.1177/0363546504268136.