Internal rotation of the femoral component in Kinematically Aligned total knee replacement does increase patella-femoral complications Studies comparing kinematic alignment (KA) to mechanical alignment (MA) in total knee replacement (TKR) demonstrate...
Comparison of gaze patterns between patients with Knee osteoarthritis and aged matched controls Falls amongst patients with severe knee Osteoarthritis (OA) may indicate a diminished rehabilitation capacity. While it is well established that increased...
An Evidence-Based Best Practice Perioperative Matrix Eliminates Allogenic Blood Transfusions in Simultaneous Bilateral Total Knee Replacements Simultaneous bilateral total knee replacements (SBTKR) are associated with increased blood loss and a higher...
A 3-arm randomised clinical trial comparing the efficacy of three regional anaesthesia techniques in shoulder arthroscopy The use of regional anaesthesia in shoulder arthroscopy improves peri-operative pain control, thereby reducing the need for opioids...
Investigation into the factors that drive knee kinematics in cruciate retaining kinematic computer assisted total knee arthroplasty: An observational case series The aim of this project is to examine the influence of different anatomical structures on...